

Power and ethics

Do you consider yourself ethical? Of course you do. I’m sure you feel like you have a sense of what is right and wrong.

But what happens when things aren’t so clear? When doing the right thing feels wrong? Like saying ‘no’ to someone’s request you know will cause them pain for the sake of protecting your own interests?

Things get even murkier when we play with power. Here are some useful frameworks for you to consider.

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Power and Resistance

Threats to our democratic freedoms are everywhere. And yet we seem to be asleep at the wheel. On the political stage through to the business arena, we are complicit in the erosion of decency and ethical leadership. It’s easy to feel helpless. We can feel it’s not our role, it’s outside our sphere of influence. Yet there are deliberate acts of resistance we can take to steer the ship of freedom back on track.

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How to speak truth to power

What will it cost when we speak truth to power? Short answer: a lot. When we speak up against injustice, those in power have a vested interest in shutting us down.  And if we don’t speak up? Even more is at stake. As leaders, here’s what we can do to build a culture of speaking truth to power, and creating a better world while we are at it.

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Leadership Purpose and Identity: Four Soulful Questions

There comes a time on a leader’s journey where we face down challenges and have our soul stripped bare. We wonder, ‘is this for me? Am I the right leader for the job? Is this the commitment for my one and precious life?’ There is joy in alignment to a cause greater than ourselves. To a purpose that nudges human consciousness a step farther along its developmental journey.

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Universal Fantasy for Leaders

Have you felt it yet? The irresistible surge of energy that comes with the change of seasons? Now is the perfect time for creative re-design of your life and leadership.

It’s time to indulge your fantasies…your leadership fantasies, that is. 

We can use Universal Leadership Fantasies to set a fulfilling path for ourselves (while not losing our head to the dark side).

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Creative Destruction: Lessons from Shiva, Shakti, and Alan Joyce of Qantas

When things are broken and struggling at work, who are you going to call? Job Breakers! (with apologies to Ghost Busters). The ‘creative destruction’ cycle needs a particular brand of courage and compassion. The Breaker may not win friends, but they may revitalise a failing organisation. As a ‘Breaker’, how does Alan Joyce measure up and what lessons can we take from his experience?

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AI and ChatGPT: A CEO's Secret Weapon for Enhanced Leadership

One of the most asked questions of Chat GPT for CEOs is, “How do I improve my leadership skills?” With the spectre of recession, tighter budgets, and ever increasing workloads, it makes sense to make use of tools at your fingertips. Chat GPT is one of these. In this very practical article, you’ll get step by step instructions on how to improve your communication and influence, emotional intelligence, productivity, and decision-making.

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BOOKISH: 5 Awesome Books About the Future and Leadership

I LOVE great books about the future. I especially love it when we can link to what it means for LEADERSHIP.

The full and extensive book review is on Shepherd's incredible book review and curation website here.

These are five awesome books I have read. All but Tim Urban have been interviewed for the Zoë Routh Leadership Podcast. (Tim Urban - I'm coming for you!)

Dr. Rick Chromey does an outstanding job at showcasing that different generations are shaped by the tech that dominated our coming of age years. Forget alphabet generations - GenTech is a more insightful way to understand different worldviews. Get the book on Amazon here.

Rohit Bhargava and Henry Coutinho-Mason showcase 30 incredible trends that are affecting all sectors, offer a handy playlist for each sector AND include great leadership questions to help us make sense and meaning from these trends. Get the book on Amazon here.

Tim Urban delivers a profound and important book that we ALL need to read. It's about how we have become polarised, and how we can build bridges again. Breakthrough ideas for me are about the dangers of swinging too far to the progressive side (where there are blindspots, just like on the conservative side.) Get the book on Amazon here.

Brett King and Dr Richard Petty offer a wide-ranging, comprehensive analysis of what the heck is going on, with four possible futures that require significant and compelling shifts we need to make in our values (hint: it's called Technosocialism). We can create a better world - our future depends on it. Get the book on Amazon here.

Justin Bean paints a very powerful future and includes the guardrails we need to reshape the future of education, government, and industry if we are to capitalise on the amazing trends that can leave to an abundant and equitable world. Get the book on Amazon here.

You will be a lot wiser and more astute leader with the help of these books.

P.S. Brett and Rohit's interviews will be out on the Zoë Routh Leadership Podcast in the next few weeks.

P.P.S. Want more great book insights? Sign up for our occasional e-journal, Bookish.

Fit For the Future Leadership: From strategy to execution - what gets in our way?

I love a good strategy. All the bright, shiny hope and expectations of it all. Then we get to work and forget about it all. The daily grind takes over. Business as usual carries on, oblivious of our lofty ambitions. Why is there a massive gap between strategy and execution?

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Fit For the Future Leadership: Three ways to make more time for strategic thinking

One of the things I’m hearing a lot from leaders is how much things have changed. We’re never going back to pre-pandemic ‘normal’. We’re in brave new territory. It’s intimidating. And exhilarating! So much opportunity! (along with all that threat). Most of the same leaders also acknowledge, somewhat sheepishly, they don’t do enough strategic thinking.

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