

Boundless Leadership: Stop saying yes

Are you engaged and at risk of burnout? Apparently 1 in 5 engaged employees are. That’s bad news as the research also shows how few of us are actually engaged in the first place! It seems that if you want something done ask a busy person is a default that works, and to our detriment. If you are a keener, like my client ‘Karen’, and is excited by everything, then chances are you need to learn how to say yes better, not just less frequently. Filter what does not fit!

  • Boundless Leaders need boundaries

  • Saying yes to avoid saying no is a common trap

  • Use a strainer to make better choices

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Three habits of boundless leadership

The biggest difference I see between an Achiever (someone who is driven by results) and an Amplifier (someone who is inspired by purpose beyond themselves) is how they manage their calendar. Our calendar habits are like our supermarket shopping: we either jam it full of junk for quick hits, or we take our time around the outsides, carefully choosing food that will fuel and heal. Here are three ‘nutritious’ habits that will move you towards amplifier.

  • Check your calendar and your bank statement to show your real priorities

  • Create a fluid diary

  • Mark out 40% of your time for strategy.

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Boundless Leadership: Drive results now, lead impact for a lifetime

Cricket Australia has been outed as “oriented to winning, without properly counting the cost.” A short-term focus on winning without due consideration for the bigger picture and the value of the game itself. So how do we avoid the pitfalls of a competitive winning mindset while still achieving results for the greater good?

  • Results are signals of quality execution of purpose, not an end in themselves

  • How Finite and Infinite Games focus our work as leaders

  • How to play the game to win and for the joy of playing

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Perspective amplifies leadership impact

It’s pretty easy to get caught up in the day to day. It’s a major complaint and concern I hear from leaders: the urgent day to day gets in the way of the big picture thinking. We sacrifice what’s next for the sake of now. And this is no way to build impact or legacy! We may not want to leave a legacy as long-lasting as Julius Caesar, but our perspective can help shape positive influence for generations.

  • How Native American Iroquois shaped leadership with the 7 Generations Principle

  • Julius Caesar’s effect and downfall

  • It’s not about hubris but about stewardship

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Boundless Leadership: Your legacy starts now

Do you consider your legacy? What will be left of you once you’re gone? Most leaders dismiss this as ego-driven. Legacy with ego is vanity; legacy without ego is contribution. When you’re done achieving goal after goal and are sitting in, ‘what really matters’, then this article is for you. There is more for you to be, think, and do.

  • What the Pharaohs teach us about legacy

  • What will last 1000 years? TED curator Chris Anderson reveals what

  • How to focus your legacy


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Boundless Leadership: Stop wasting opportunities for massive impact

Are you caught up in the day to day? Do you find yourself at the end of the week not having tackled the big issues that will make the longest impact? How are your energy levels? Most leaders struggle through the week with substandard sleep, nutrition, and productivity strategies. These are the basics that need to be OPTIMISED before getting on the AMPLIFY strategies that will make the biggest long-term benefit. Don’t let yourself be the biggest block to massive impact!

  • Four key areas to optimise first

  • Why you need to OPTIMISE before your AMPLIFY

  • Seven leverage points to amplify leadership


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Boundless Leadership: Stop stress with powerful rituals

Habits build routines and routines drive results. There’s been a lot of effort to make these habits automatic and mindless. Ironically, it has not helped with the deep stress that comes from trying to do more in less time. It’s like we are trying to shove ourselves through the day in spite of ourselves. What if we took a different approach? Where we brought attention instead of automation to our actions? This is the power of ritual.

  • How habits turn us into mindless automations

  • How awareness trumps habits

  • Why rituals are the gateway to a glorious life.


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Boundless Leadership: The trap of success

Does work creep into all your daily thoughts - cooking, in the shower, while talking to family? Does work creep up the priority chain to the exclusion of all else? Where do you get your sense of success? Is it serving you or sending you to toil endlessly, never fully satisfied? There is another way. We need to re-define success.

  • How Achiever Disease takes hold of us

  • Our addiction to dopamine

  • The antidote that is deceptively simple


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Boundless Leadership: The hidden desperate danger facing over achievers

Are you addicted to kicking goals? Do you get a high each time you nail a project, sale, or milestone? Do you reach a new level at work and wonder, “what’s next?” ever hungry for the next thing? These are healthy appetites of an ambitious achiever. There is a point however when they go decidedly unhealthy. Here’s what to look out for and what to do about it.

  • The two danger points at the height of the Achiever stage

  • How to avoid fading out after reaching great goals

  • Become an Amplifier and make an even better impact.


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Boundless Leadership: Moving beyond unhelpful narratives

Do you feel guilty for loving your work or working late? Have you ever had to make a career choice that meant moving the family, and this was something they didn’t like? How do we make peace with the career versus family choice? Explore this with me!

  • Are you being selfish or self-first?

  • What stories are you telling about the choice, and are these helpful?

  • Do you know what fulfills you and do you let this guide your choices?


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Boundless Leadership: What leaders are desperate for

Leaders are tough nuts. They’ve got the courage to step up and be accountable, to take on responsibility, and to venture on new paths. But what do they really need? What is the thing that will make all the difference? In my work with leaders I have found that having a good sounding board and a community of peers is the biggest safe haven for CEOs, GMs, and senior executives. My latest adventure on the Larapinta reveals a few of their insights.

  • Time out with strangers in the desert is the place to develop fast friends.

  • Inspiration comes from others as much as from the views

  • Connection deepens in wild places.


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Boundless Leadership: How to run a work-life experiment

Could you run your work from the ski slopes? (or beach) What would it take to turn a holiday destination into a work destination? I’ve just spent four weeks skiing and working from the skifields. There are some key lessons to be mindful of.

  • Preparation and considerations

  • Expectations can be a killer - be mindful of yours

  • Boundaries and the value of Deep Play


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Boundless Leadership: Beware - don't let complacency kill your courage

Being comfortable breeds complacency. And complacency kills in leadership! What it kills first is courage. Getting uncomfortable through little aventures is the cure.

  • Beware the false promise that good times will last.

  • Beware that bad times will too.

  • Implement little adventures - and big ones - to exercise your courage muscle.


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Leadership inspiration from Kofi Annan

Kofi Annan spoke to truth to power. He was unerring in his commitment and advocacy for peace and well-being for all human beings. We may not stand on a world stage as he did, but we can bring the essence of his leadership to life in the actions we take every day, and by so doing, also lead for the world.

  • Inherent human dignity.

  • Speaking truth to power.

  • Keep going.


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