

3 leadership strategies to start the new year with a bang

The new year offers optimism and a fresh spirit. As leaders, we can capitalise on that energy and set ourselves up for success with our teams. There are three major components to address: people, task, and self. Here are simple strategies to get momentum.

Leadership doesn’t happen by default

With the energy of a new year, it’s too easy to fall into the trap of jumping into the tasks at hand. Slow down! Remember that leadership success involves this key premise: People first, tasks second. 

Leadership Strategy #1 for the new year: Check in with your people

Don’t assume anything about the holidays. People have all sorts of different experiences from sensational to horrible. 

Here are some useful questions to ask on return from work:

  • What was the best thing about the break for you?

  • How is your energy right now?

  • What are you most looking forward to this year?

  • What can I do to help you move forward with your work?

These will give you an insight into your staff’s state of mind so you can be mindful of the support they need.

Leadership Strategy #2 for the new year: Update your strategy in line with trends

The horizon is constantly shifting. As leaders, we need to be aware of trends that might affect our business, clients and stakeholders and adjust accordingly. 

Take some time to consider what might affect your plan:

  • Will the war in Ukraine affect your supply chain or projects?

  • If recession hits, what might you need to stop, start, keep, do more of, or less of to address the impact?

  • What technologies might open up opportunities for you? Consider A.I., robotics, virtual reality, big data, and the blockchain.

As part of your strategy be sure to plan a few experiments. Test out the new tech. Buy an NFT to see how the blockchain works. Go to a VR game room and see what it’s like. 

An Explorer Mindset is crucial for
leadership for the future.

Leadership Strategy #3 for the new year: Treat your self management as a project

Leaders tend to leave their self management to last. This year, make your self care a project. Schedule workouts, plan meals, book in down time, reach out to friends for social time. Now is the perfect time to set a self care regime in place.

These are the things to consider:

  • Energy in: what is your plan for nutrition over the course of a week?

  • Energy out: what is your plan for moving and challenging your body?

  • Energy reboot: what is your plan for daily/weekly rest and recuperation?

  • Energy investment: how will you reinvest in your life and self? Reading? Socialising? A fun holiday? A new social group?

Great leaders do great work when we look after ourselves first. We have more energy for others.  We have more energy for creativity. We have more energy for the challenges at hand.

We can’t afford not to look after ourselves.

Live well, lead well.

Leadership futurist Zoe Routh

About Zoë Routh, Canberra Leadership Expert

Zoë Routh is a leadership futurist, podcaster, and multiple award-winning author. She works with leaders and teams to navigate future horizons. 

She has worked with individuals and teams internationally and in Australia since 1987. From wild Canadian rivers to the Australian Outback, and the Boardroom jungles, Zoë is an adventurist! She facilitates strategy and culture sessions with audacious teams.

Zoë's fourth leadership book, People Stuff - Beyond Personality Problems: An advanced handbook for leadership, won the Book of the Year at the Australian Business Book Awards in 2020. Her fifth book is a near future science fiction dystopian novel, The Olympus Project.

Zoë is the producer of the Zoë Routh Leadership Podcast, dedicated to asking “What if…?”  and sharing Big Ideas on the Future of Leadership.

Zoë is an outdoor adventurist and enjoys telemark skiing, has run six marathons, is a one-time belly-dancer, has survived cancer, and loves hiking in the high country. She is married to a gorgeous Aussie and is a self-confessed dark chocolate addict.